Many years ago, In 1954 precisely, God ministered to Pa S G Elton, a British missionary to Ilesha and he prophesied that "One day, Nigerian Government will pay youths to preach in every nook and cranny of the country." No one knew for sure how this would come to be. But barely 20 years after, there was civil war and there came a need for reconciliation afterward. By God's design when the war ended the government instituted NYSC. They claimed it's for national integration, but God intended it for a bigger purpose.
How on earth could educated men be sent to remote places with practically no need for such expertise like theirs? This brings to mind several people in the bible whose secular training was a foundation for heaven's assignment. Paul, Luke, Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego among others fall into this class. Their secular training was instrumental to their ministerial success. As much as we say God empties us and fills us afresh, He only empties us of the things He did not orchestrate. God often begins His training long before we become aware.
Paul, who was once Saul the Pharisee is one man to consider; equipped to be one of the greatest of his time, learnt under the greatest faculties and was very close to attaining his dream height when suddenly he found purpose. We might say his past and future has no correlation but on close observation we see his knowledge of the law, reputation and influence, handicraft (tent making) and Roman citizenship were all useful for ministry. Who we are and where we have been is all part of God's training for what He'll have us do.
Luke the doctor, has one of the most detailed gospels with very interesting descriptions and expressions. His wealth of experience in careful research and record keeping is palpable in his account of Jesus' gospel. Sometimes, our pen is the most potent weapon for the moment. All we need do a times is to take records and zoom in on what people call normal and find the treasures. It takes one whose mind has been trained to execute such a feat.
Scriptures say Daniel and his companions had knowledge of science, skilful in wisdom and had courtesy. (Dan 1:4) However, we skip that and jump to where they did exploits and surpassed all the other wise men including indigenes of Babylon. Their secular or permit me to say university training gave them the opportunity to be considered first of all; it gave them audience; it gave them a chance. They needed all that to penetrate into the place where they will execute their assignment proper.
This year is an opportunity to reach people. The NYSC gives us a platform. People respect the uniform, the knowledge, the experience and give listening ears to us. All that we have gathered might just be what is needed to penetrate the places God would have us be this period. That is why it is so easy to take advantage of those we meet during service- when me misuse our influence. But how best can we use this opportunity?
First, we need to find God. These men possessed skills but didn't maximise destiny to they found God. Many are confused in what path to follow in life despite their array of skills and qualifications. Many have been through so much, have learnt a lot but haven't found use for such experience. Many people have influence but have reduced such tremendous gift of human resources to monetary profit alone. An encounter with God puts our entire life into perspective. God commands order into the chaos in our lives. He sorts out our skills and abilities and efficiently deploys them for a more expedient purpose.
Next, we need to be diligent in the place of our primary assignment. Only few people will serve God by doing exclusive ministry. More people will serve God as they serve the nation. It is interesting to note that Pa Elton, through whom the prophesy emerged, reached people by interacting with them in their own domain. He reached students as he went from school to school, pouring out from his treasury. We sometimes neglect NYSC and hope that opportunities will come to serve God from the blues. But NYSC is a platform on which the gospel can and should bride. While we serve, we find opportunities. We can meet people in their domain and be a blessing.
Next, while you are serving, find one soul and make a disciple; pour out from your treasury and nourish the hungry souls; ignite many more souls with that fire you have caught from the altar. Evangelism has an elder brother. Evangelism drops the gospel as it passes by. But Jesus urges us to make disciples. Discipleship lights the fire sits with it and fans the flames till it can burn on its own. Discipleship teaches people the grace of our Lord, immerses them in the love of God, introduces them to the fellowship of the spirit and teaches them to observe all that God commands.
NCCF is one of the platforms where this can be achieved. It is a fellowship where youths are ignited and deployed; where skill and professionalism is channelled for the gospel's sake. NCCF is a training platform to equip us and refuel us in the course of the service year. We gather to receive strength and encourage one another. When the meetings are over, we march to our PPAs with purpose, passion and a message.
Being a part of NCCF alone is not enough, it's like eating and eating without using the energy, it accumulates as fat and make us obese and consequently more lazy. Serving in our PPA's alone is not enough. It's like being spent without being refilled. It's like flying an empty cargo plane. But being part of NCCF, serving faithfully in your PPA's and reaching out for the souls of men, women and children is indeed the compete service.