Now that we've been paid..
Now that we've been paid, I'm no more getting messages. All the questions people have been asking have suddenly been answered. A week ago when the payment was due and it wasn't coming, I get messages from everyone. All seem to be asking the same question: "you don see alert."
Now that we've been paid, some people are already falling in love with Jonathan. They've stopped passing their usual derogatory comments. I can imagive if the increment rumour was true, GEJ would have had a more vibrant youth followship willing to postpone their regrets and suspend their anger.
Now that we've been paid, a bottle of soft drink is no longer as expensive as it used to be a week ago. You can confidently buy a soft drink knowing that what would be left is much more than what was spent.
Now that we've been paid, all creditors are saying hello and the bills are coming top the to of the stack.Everyone seems to know we've been paid. Bad thing about being paid is you can't lie about it. The whole nation is singing the same song. Yours can't be different.
Now that we've been paid, i'm considering a good meal. Something off the regular. Something that will keep me smiling till the next windfall. Something that will probably fill up the gaps and add some flesh to these bones.
Now that we've been paid, yanga go plenty. Feathers and wings will grow. All the fever and temporary gentleness caused by 'no money' will suddenly be healed. Money answers all things, including certain psychological and behavioural inconsistencies.
Now that we've been paid, take it easy. Another one will still come. Don't treat it as a miracle. Now that we've been paid, don't sleep at the bar. Get essentials, save the rest and life goes on.
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