One thing this service year offers us is an opportunity to start our lives over again. Perhaps we have lived a life in the past that we are not to proud about, this is the perfect opportunity to start all over again. We have been given a new environment, a new opportunity to select who are friends are. We have a new accommodation void of the same distractions that we no longer have resistance to; we have a new environment that does not contain the same places where we pricked our fingers.
We absolutely do not have to rebuild the life that tore us apart here again. We have a privilege to make resolutions and stand by them. The truth here is no one really knows who you are. People begin to tag you only from your speech and what they see you do. No one knows that name that makes your head blow up; no one know what to say that will unleash the beast in you yet. No one knows anything until you do something; no one knows anything until you say something.
I am convinced that some of us have left really terrible lives back home. NYSC is not only an opportunity to serve Nigeria, it also serve us the opportunity to redefine our identity. This is a year for redefinition; this is a year for evaluation. We can make resolves and easily actualize them.
Truthfully, it would take us the same amount of energy and resources to continue our former or start a new life. We may decide to continue the former life of which we are not so proud or start up our dream life. You do not have to say the words that stair up memories and ignite desires. You can always talk about what you want.
You can help yourself by consciously choosing friends. Never succumb again to your weakness. This is a time to start over. Redefine who you are and change the course of your life forever.
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