It was almost a 6 months strike. I spent about half of my service year on strike. That didn't stop the fun in anyway. Business and a couple of other things kept me really busy, even busier than those on session. While the strike was on, 2015 Batch A Corps Members joined us. It was a daunting task to give consolation to the brokenhearted among them. Many had hoped for cities and castles and now they need a surge of consolation to stay alive. Some stayed, some left, some moved to other places within the state. In summary, it was another batch of Characters. The pretty, the funny, the hardworking and the friendly. I have always enjoyed meeting people. They help me complete the definition of life. Interestingly, some 2015 Batch A started to teach before me. We were still on strike.
Fast forward by a couple of months, my school resumed. It was fun to go to work like my other colleagues. It was then I knew I still had passion. Even while students were still registering, I visited the school severally and kept asking when lectures will start. I am sure the HOD was tired of my visit asking for course outline and time table.
Finally, my first day in class it dawned on me that I had a responsibility not just to teach but to inspire my students. I enjoyed talking and writing on their hearts. I saw curiosity in their eyes. I sensed they had dreams and aspirations. I gave them an assignment to write what they would love to do after school. Some people responded and just as I thought, I saw them. I hoped and prayed that my short moment of interaction with them will somehow lead them closer to these dreams.
I am beginning to sense to intense emotions that will surround my departure. I am neck deep into service. I am enjoying every bit of it. I am savoring every moment. I almost didn't want to switch classes with my other colleague with whom I planned to share the course. I was getting attached and didn't want to leave them midway. I figured we could still be friends even when I begin teaching the other class.
These are some of the moments that words can express. There are many more moments that only a smile can convey. This indeed has been one of the greatest years of my life.
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