I have been online for 48 hours non stop and enjoying great service. From time to time, I'll look up details and check my mail perhaps NYSC has send any message. And when it was needed most, my data was exhausted. This morning I woke up as early as 5 am only to realize my data has finished.
The anxiety grew. My feet were literately cold and I was sweating. I waited till morning light before I could go out to recharge my phone. I guess I got out too early as I still had to walk for awhile before I found someone selling recharge. I was his first customer for the day and had to wait for him to open his store. I got the card and started to try again.
I got to the first page requesting for my callup number. I entered it and I could not proceed. I thought it was the network. I went out again to buy recharge card for another network. The average internet user has more than one option, and i am not left out. After recharging the problem persists. I doubles the dose as anyone would prescribe but the symptoms persist.
I had to forward my Callup number to a friend to to help check. After toying with my emotions the more and putting me in suspense, she eventually told me. IT IS THE COLDEST PLACE IN NIGERIA. I am using this opportunity to ask for donations of blankets and winter jackets to help my ministry ;-)
As i havent seen it myself, i wont announce with megaphones. I'll just whisper to the few people who ask. As soon as I see it for myself, I'll make the official declaration. Seeing is believing.
ROTFL #lol#