Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Where is Our Letter #MyCorperDiary #7DaysToGo

We all have been waiting to know our fate today. After we have waited for so long, the pressure can only but build up. I found out that the letters will be out tomorrow. I can imagine how many people I have to explain to that the letters will no longer be out today.

Isn't it funny? Life is funny. There are some people who would not even worry one bit. They already know where they will be serving, either by revelation or manipulation (Hand of God or Leg of the hand of a man of God ;-)).

NYSC, where is our letter? Send us a mail and end this emotional misery; let's know our fate and start saving up our transport fare and making contacts if any; let my brethren know the credibility of those who promised them a good place; let my people know where to get a refund and those to give an appreciation gift.

And to my fellow prospective Corpers, I wish you good luck. This is probably a chance for someone's name to be properly placed. Looking forward to having a great time and serving my country.

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