1) My Parents Allowed Me
There is a Yoruba adage that says "Ifura loogun agba." This can translate to mean: suspicion is the talisman of the elderly. When elders do not feel comfortable about a decision, there has to be a change until there is peace. My parents are somehow comfortable and that gives me some courage. If your parents insist, here is a candid advice: redeploy! They are not just our parents by biology, God gave then insight and foresight to protect us.
2) Some came, saw and conquered
It is amazing tho realize that some of my brethren have gone and are back hale and hearty. To emphasize on the 1 out of 10000 who meet a tragic end is to deny the truth of 9999 people who were untouched. I am encourages by the words of those who have come through.
3) I am at peace with my placement
Unlike many others who meet the news of their deployment with fear, anxiety and regret, I seem to be at peace with what NYSC gave me.
4) I feel some excitement in the air
this feeling is similar to that of peace but it more expressive. Apart from being comfortable with my posting, I seem to be very exited. Honestly, I cant really place my finger on the reason for the excitement, but I know that I am happy about it. For me, I feel the nostalgic Youth Service Excitement that our parents talked about. I do not flinch at the picture painted by the media and the terror some irrational people are trying to spread. I do not deny the reality, but I also embrace possibility.
5) Technically, Plateau is not North
I don't get to partake in the prevalent fear of the North. I can be comfortable with my decision with our giving friends and family reasons to worry about me.
6) Plateau is a Good Place Afterall
I heard Plateau has one of the best orientation camps in the country. The weather is Yankee-like; there are several places to visit and enjoy.
7) My One-time Opportunity to Visit Plateau
I'm such a person who takes his time to make decisions. I also have learnt to enjoy my decision. Ordinarily, I won't wake up one day for no just course and decide to travel to visit Plateau. I would need a very concrete reason to do that. I believe that's exactly what NYSC has done for me, given me a reason and I buy the idea.
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