Thursday, November 20, 2014

Man O' War Drills: Raising Leaders by Building Courage #MyCorperDiary #day14

Today, it is the turn of my platoon to undertake the dreaded and yet interesting routine. For me, it was particularly interesting to realise that all the gadgets were fashioned after a philosophy, principle or historical events.

The opening lecture and demonstration was inspiring and thought provoking. It called for confidence, originality, creativity. It inspired us to face life's challenges head-on. It inspired us to take risks. It encouraged us to focus on goals ahead so that we would be motivated in life rather than on the imminent mess or challenges that discourage us.

You can tell each individual's personality by their performance here. You can tell those who love adventure and those who love to coast in their comfort zone. You can tell which people are more concerned with their image and reputation rather than on life's goals. You can tell which people are too proud to seek help and those who wouldn't mind help all the way. You can tell the strong from the enduring; you can tell the bold from the apprehensive. Tough times indeed reveal our real personality.

I wanted to break a record. Most of the people who went ahead came out really messy. I was wondering if I really have to end up like most other people. I wanted to do the entire routine and finish stainless. I tried but had to unfold my sleeve at some point. My sleeve was really really dirty. After the messiest part where we had to crawl through mud at the expense of being caught in barbed wire, I wasn't too messy. An officer saw me and wasn't too comfortable that I was almost stainless. He rubbed my khaki with another to make us look alike-muddy.

We didn't get to laugh so much. Our ladies were serving punishment for 'sanitation crimes.' So we didn't get to see the fit, fat and funny. They joined us later but we didn't get to catch glimpse of the scenes. A lot of trousers also gave way as expected. Many bruises, cuts and blisters also accompanied us home. But that could not take away the overall fun of the experience.

I am convinced that many people overcame their fears. Many people were reborn and had fresh courage to face life. That is remarkable!

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