Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sex Education, the Public and the Family #DiaryOfAFanatic

Today we had a session that addressed health. Emphasis were places on ebola, HIV/AIDS. In the course of HIV/AIDS lecture, the highlight was use of condoms to prevent spread of the virus. Now, the speakers made many more important points but the one on condoms seemed to be very sticky. Why is that so?

I will attempt to answer the "why is that so" queston. Please note that this is just a personal opinion and strongly influenced more by my values and beliefs than facts and figures. Pardon any element of fanatism and every attempt to defy norms.

In the course of the lecture, the wrong use of media was mentioned as one major tool that causes and aggravates sexual vices in the society. Companies have made fortune by use of sex appeal to attract customers. Newspapers, TV channels, artists and products have used both 'censored' and uncensured sexual content to generate consistent and growing followership. It is highly economical, however, long after the product, program or story is forgotten, the 'sexual recidue' lingers.

I sincerely hope the media upgrades from cheap and primitive strategies. While we wait for them  to come up with more creative, highly intellectual ways to pass their message, there remains yet another unsuspecting beast-Sex Education.

There are many claims that sex education has brought so many things to light. Facts and figures also probably indicate a positive impact but just as what was hidden is exposed, what has has never been done is also suggested. And from the way the human mind works, we necessarily do not hear what is intended, we hear what we want to hear. Our hidden desires and prejudice affects what we deduce from people's speeches. We listed selectively. Though we hear what people say and can often quote them, we imply what we really want.

Sexual education, I believe has caused more harm than good. And since its effect is not directly tracable to it, the thief is again sent to catch the thief: sexual education is prescribed to solve increasing sexual perversion in the society.If sexual education was sufficient, the data from research will show improvement. Instead, it is showing a decline. Infact, many unsuspecting victims fall prey of so called educators. What then is the way?

A pubic general approach to sexual education is not needed. The effort should be channelled to individual counselling. But, if a general approach is slow or inefficient, how could one on one approach be? Attending to individuals can address selective listening to an extent. General approach creates similar desires in everyone who is present. Understand can explore further without much effort. However, for individual approach, no other person can take advantage of the new knowledge since the exact content is discussion is not known to them. How then can individuals be reached effectively, timely and cheaply?

Families! A family is beyond one's source and sponsors. A family is the forge where values, beliefs and character is formed in a child. Children don't often echo their parents' frank talks. They keep it in their hearts and live with it as commandments. There is an existing authority already that gives weight to the education. And most importantly, there is trust. We will obey more often whom we trust than one we fear.

Parents arise, let us not leave our responsibility to schools-the responsibility of informing and educating them about life's most intimate and sacred things. The curriculum is overstretched already. No passion can be greater than family; no authority stronger; no fear purer; no lesson understood better; no impact is sustained longer. Nothing like family. Lets make the home more than where we rest our heads and where we retreat to on holidays. Let's make Family what it ought to be.

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