Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Corruption: Crime According to Law #MyCorperDiary #Day16

Yesterday, we had delegates from ICPC deliver a lecture to us. At the beginning of the lecture, corruption was defined as 'not acting according to laid down rules.' I wasn't convinced by that definition. It got me thinking. I checked the dictionary to get a better definition. I was more comfortable with what I found. It spoke about actions without consideration for integrity, morals and values and not necessarily going against rules. This is profound. Moreover, the law has refused to pacify corruption. As matter of fact, corruption is playing according to loopholes in the judiciary. We should look beyond the courtroom to ensure that corruption is overcome.

My intention is not to mention again the endless list of corruption in the leadership of our great nation. I am just marvelled at the mild but profound expressions amongst the youth. Right now, it doesn't seem so noticeable but even in its infancy, greed and corruption bears all the features of his father-full fledge corruption on national scale. Anyone who is faithful in little will be faithful in much. Whoever can't restrain his appetite in a pond will not be able to in the sea. Some corp members had the opportunity to serve and endured their friends got double.

A few days after our arrival here, a group of corp members were lamenting about how corruption had become institutionalised. One person was even worried about his unborn kids. I cut into the discussion. I said he need not worry if he trains his own children properly. I said there's no war against corruption without sacrifice. We experience denial, hunger and alienation. We can't stand against evil without making enemies. One sure way to raise our kids to be anti-corrupt is to teach them to be content with what they deserve and never covetous with what they don't. They must not be partial, they must not seek public recognition. Better still, you must show them more than you tell them. They must learn integrity, morally and imbibe values from you. If there's any inconsistency between your words and actions, we leave our children at the mercy of the status quo.

The judiciary is only effective when there enough evidence. How much is 'enough?' We all know that corruption is 'crime according to the law' and is usually without 'sufficient' evidence. Corruption is evident but there is never enough evidence to call it a crime. We must teach that it is not wisdom to outsmart the law. It is corruption. We must be able to do what is right even if it is not started explicitly in the law.

When you get into power, do not take more than you deserve even if the law is handicapped in that regard. The war against corruption starts with restraint, then impartiality, then integrity, morality and finally legality.

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