Sunday, November 9, 2014

Do you feel guilty about doing good?

Have you ever done a good deed that backfired? Have you ever obeyed instructions and it turned against you? Have you ever tried speaking the truth and you ened up suffering for it? Honestly, what do you think after such happens to you? Do you regret your decisions? Do you vow not to be so nice anymore? Do you conclude that all men are just the same?

On the third day of camp, some people had not got kits and so were not on parade. That means they were exempted from the parade, drills and punishments. In fact, during the period of the dreaded punishment, those without kits sat comfortably and found us to be really amusing. But on this side, pretor fumed with fury. They hated that they were punished for being good corp members. The absent, pregnant, nursing mothers, those who didn't wear their kits and those who haven't got all escaped.

I heard people show dissatisfaction that some were 'free.' I also heard people vow not to use the kits since they can escape parade that way. The emphasis have been shifted from the main reason for being punished to envying other's liberty. Consequently, the lesson is not learnt, bitterness is sown and the cycle its bound to be repeated.

We must realise that only a few will pay the price for all. Only a few will bear the burden of all. If all men were martyrs, for whom did they sacrifice? Who will enjoy the aftermath? If we cannot bear to see people enjoy while we endure, we cannot be leaders for revolution.

In my hostel, some people brought up the discussion about corruption in Nigeria. One said things will continue that way. Another said he is afraid of the kind of life his grand children will live. Someone said, if all aren't ready to change, there's no point for one person to change since. He implied that one good cannot overcome many evils. I strongly disagree. All major revolutions have only a few people sacrifice for all. In fact, the greatest movement had only one saviour sacrifice for all.

Do you feel jealous when other people are enjoying a better fate? Do you wish others partake in your sufferings and struggles? Then you aren't ready to lead a change. Corruption in Nigeria will end when some people will choose poverty for the sake of enriching generations unborn. Corruption will end when people choose death so that they preserve the lives of generations to come.

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