Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mum, This is 21st Century #MyCorperDiary

Please note that this is not a piece that encourages rebellion. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am having fun and expressing perceptions in creative ways. If you are looking for points to tell your parents/guardians that they are o'skull, you are in a wrong place.

Back to my talk...
I can imagine parents/guardians asking the following questions and we (prospective corpers) answering...

Mum: When are you going to school to get your letter?
Dele: Mummy, school to get letter? We are in the 21st century. We can print our letter from the internet.
Mum: Are you sure they will collect it?
Dele: They sent it to us, they should collect it. Mummy, I want to go and do shopping for camp o
Mum: What are you buying?
Dele: white t shirts, white shorts, white tennis boots, and so on
Mum: Why are you buying all these? will they not give you already in camp?
Dele: They will, but the quality is poor and might not last. As a matter of fact, there wont be chance to wash everyday.
Mum: Lazy boy, cant you wash as you have your bath?
Dele: erhm...
Mum: That's your business. So When are you going to the park to know how much you will spend on transport?
Dele: shola told me, it is 7000
Mum: Who is Shola? do they post classmates to the same place?
Dele: Muuuumyyy, Shola isnt from my school o, I met her on Nairaland?
Mum: Which one is Nairaland again o?
Dele: It is a website?
Mum: Deeeleee, all these internet people again? Naira abi what did you call it? The name even tells you they want to collect oyur money. They cannot be trusted o. Have you forgotten about Cynthia the girl they killed on facebook?
Dele: Hahaha. Don't worry ma. It just strictly for information purposes

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