Saturday, November 15, 2014

Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurial Development: Nigeria's Suitable Answer to Unemployment #MyCorperDiary #day6

Its been 2 years now since the NYSC scheme introduced the SAED (Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurial Development). The government realised the intense competition for white collar jobs, insufficient impact of the educational system and unexploited opportunities in manufacturing and as a result made provision to train, equip, mentor and sponsor fresh graduates to start up businesses. This has been the basis of financial freedom for hundreds of corp members, source of employment for thousands and the reason why some communities have been placed on the map.

As usual, I fear that people will turn the usual coldness to this honest effort from the government. Over the years the percentage of people who have succeeded is quite small. But there are people who have succeeded. Why should I not be among those why succeed? I must say that this is an opportunity of opportunities. A freshly discharged corp member came around to inspire us. Another currently serving corper who already runs a movie/photography business also stirred our hearts. It is indeed possible that the so dreaded service year becomes the most remarkable moment.

Our success is directly linked to the amount of passion and effort put into it. But even if it appears not to yield the desired result, you would have recieved one of the most quality trainings in your desired industry that can never be taken away from you at the government's expense. Even if things don't turn out as expected, you would have learnt a valuable business lesson that will forever improve your quality of business choices, decisions and strategies all at the expense of the government.

This is the answer that many people seek. Do not let it pass you by. You may delay pleasure and defer gratification for the time being. You'd have a happier pleasure when your soup is done.

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