I had a wish granted today. I haven't been a part of the Choir since camp started. Though I really wanted to, I couldn't sqeeze out the time. My unit had meetings at the same time as the choir. As the service started, I didn't see either of the faces that usually played the piano. I got the consent of the person in charge and touched a Keyboard for the first time in 3 weeks. It was a privilege to be part of a wonderful worship session.
We had the privilege to recieve the ministry of a minister who had been a worshiper for years. He wrote a book on standards for a worshiper to which Bro Gbile Akanni forwarded. He coincidentally wad the one who taught and led the popular NCCF Family Song for the first time at the National Conference then. His name, Bro (Prof. Pic). Just as I expected, the first thing He did was to teach us a song. "Your Word is true, oh Lord. I can hang my life on it." After we learnt the song, he led us to a few minutes of heartfelt prayer declaring God's Word as true and basis of our life. That great song forged the basis of the entire sermon.
From the book of Genesis 15, he picked a phrase "after these things." He explained from Abram himself that not until a total dependence on God's True Word, God didn't make a promise of protection and reward to Abraham. He emphasised on consecration, dedication and attention to spiritual things above physical things. He taught with the illustration of a sister whom God trained to be prudent not knowing she's being prepared to meet her God ordained (perfect from God's perspective), low income (as perceived by men) bachelor. She first learnt not to put hope in earthly possessions. Next she learnt to be a faithful steward. They're married today and stewarding wealth greater than their joint income. Until we have lost our attachment to earthly possessions, we can't recieve God's word.